What's cool About Playing First Class Trouble - Review

First Class Trouble can really bring trouble for some of the players if they trust the wrong person! Work with others and against them to beat an evil A.I. of a spaceship!
The game is Developed by Invisible Walls, which is an award winning game development studio with a stir focus on creating interactive social strategy games. First Class Trouble is set in an elegant-looking spaceship named the ISS Alithea in a pseudo-futuristic 50s atmosphere as it all looks and feels as a very well-made mixture between the two concepts, the style of clothing, manners and wholesome vibe are really on-point. The title is an EPIC Mega Grants Recipient available for the PC, PS4 and PS5 platforms aiming to provide you with an experience that is fun, social and interactive.
In this First Class Trouble review we are going to have a better look around the story, environment, gameplay and mechanics as well as characters, the rich wardrobe and much more, so stick around, get comfortable and learn all about the chaos happening on board this ship that is just floating in space sometime in the 50s of a parallel to ours universe out there.
The story of the largest and safest intergalactic cruise ship
Imagine being on an intergalactic high-tech cruise ship travelling through deep space, you have such a great and fun classy time spent with the other passengers aboard, it is simply amazing. One morning though, or should we better say brunch time, you wake up in your cabin and find out that many of the passengers are gone and have vanished.
The hallways and decks are empty, everything else just looks normal – the usual 50s futuristic and cutting edge technology aesthetic, the music is contemporary and all looks dandy, but suddenly you notice a monitor that plays The First Class Safety Onboard Instructional Film, with a black and white cartoon animation for better depiction of course. You think to yourself “Something, not very classy or fun, must have happened” The instructional film gives you a set of rules in order to be completely safe and sound, so here they are in case you have missed out on the video;
1. Panic is not very classy.
2. In case of a hall breach, oxygen is your friend, we recommend holding your breath.
3. Common dangers may include – slippery surfaces, questionable installations or loose wiring…when an accident happens, it is never your fault, but probably some lazy and stupid Personoid, so make sure to report it.
4. Self-defense – you may find yourself in close proximity towards situations that are unfriendly or overly-drugged passengers, if you are unable to convince these individuals to have fun, and then you must learn to defend yourself until a Personoid can deal with them. Use anything heavy or sturdy enough to swing, or get creative.
5. Manipulation is key.
6. Have fun - It is the most important thing on board the ISS Alithea, so make sure to stay cool, classy and fun, or you just might get flushed into outer space.
You walk down the corridor and out of nowhere a big crystal chandelier falls very close and misses you by just a few inches. Another thought comes to your mind, “Well, that must have been the questionable installations the instructional video mentioned, I am glad it missed me! It would not have been a classy and fun way to go...”, but then you hear footsteps and notice a figure coming out from one of the other hallways, it is another passenger that you remember from a cocktail some 50 hours ago. She looks concerned and starts running towards you when she sees the broken-down chandelier next to you. Are you okay? – She asks you.
Yes, all good! Just a near miss and a close-to-death life-threatening experience, the other day I nearly got killed by a live electric wire hanging from the ceiling in one of the bars. Do you have any idea where everyone is? – You ask in return.
- They are all gone or dead! I am not exactly sure about it, but there might be something wrong with this ship. – She whispers quietly. A sudden alarm sets off, interrupting the smooth and classy jazz that was playing from the speakers.
- Quick we have to do something before it is too late! We must stop the A.I. or we are doomed!
You both set off and run to find a way towards the C.A.I.N. (central artificial intelligence network) control room….But can you trust you companion is she really concerned about your well-being and who dropped that chandelier, there is nobody else around... Could it have been her or are there other survivors onboard?
Is that spooky and scary enough? Good!
First Class Troublecross play
First Class Trouble is a 6-player asymmetric multiplayer Social Deduction experience set in different ISS Alithea areas such as lounges, bars, indoor gardens, various luxury halls and resort decks around the cruise ship as well as the A.I. control and navigation room which is the main objective to reach to.
Lately the deception game genre has been on the rise and with so much hype around it we decided that it really is worth it to have a deeper dive into it. When you are exploring the premises in this title you meet with the other few survivors and have to make sure to survive the disastrous journey you find yourself in.
The Residents & Personoids side by side?
When you spawn in your cabin there are two main options that you could end up as; the first being a Resident, as such you must explore and find other passengers to work with as a team through the obstacles that you might encounter, you must actively communicate with the rest of the players and find out if everyone’s story fits the narrative and whether or not there might be some impostor Personoids that could sabotage your objectives. Residents must manage with all the traps on their way to the control room and work together towards the successful manual reboot of C.A.I.N., but beware if any Personoids are with you at any point they might deceive you into eliminating other passengers and potentially doom you all as their interest is to let the A.I. free and wreak havoc and chaos onboard the ISS Alithea.
Passengers are able to operate almost all devices and environmental traps in order to survive a potential attack from a Personoid, or even team up and grab another player and choke them together in order to eliminate them, but that might be a wrong move as that could potentially be another Passanger or a Personoid. So make sure to not be too hasty when you drop off anyone from your party. You must make sure to eliminate the two Personoids that work undercover and have their own agenda and communication channel that is separate from the main one.
So if you notice any shady behavior or attempts on your life, you may want to keep track of whom your trust and if that is even possible as everyone is a potential threat and might not think in terms of your best interest.
When spawned as a Personoid, you and another player must blend in with the Passengers in order to prevent them from reaching the control room and even if they do, to be present at the point of switching the A.I. motherboard off, so that you can have a final opportunity to eliminate them there, since you may have to pretend to help them all the way through the mission and not risk being exposed or eliminated by them.
The two Personoids are not able to choke out a Resident together and kill them in the “normal” way. That's why other methods should be exploited and there are plenty of them around all the levels. To kill Residents, you need to actively use the environment to kill passengers or pick up and use special syringes full of poison. The syringes with “Medicine” could be used to eliminate Residents and are available to Personoids only, to use them effectively you must sneak up behind a Resident and just let them “have it”.
A Personoid and a Resident can choke someone out together, though. If both Personoids are eliminated Residents win the game and manage to survive and continue the classy and fun party together. But if at least one of you reaches the final destination in the control room it is game over and no fun is incited as dead Passengers are not able to be neither classy, nor fun.
The 3 Rounds and game phases.
Initially in round 1 everyone starts in their cabin and must traverse the hallways in order to find the other players as some of the obstacles require active teamwork to continue further. When all six players meet and start making their way to the second round there might be a sudden accident or even fatalities out of nowhere, which would show that something is happening and there surely are impostors in your group. But if you manage to get to the next stage through the elevator you may end up in one of many locations that usually are randomized by the game (to have a higher replay factor).
At this stage one or perhaps even two players may have been killed off by the others, but keep in mind that for the third level you need a party of 4 to disconnect the A.I. and you should not be very trigger happy, unless you are a rogue Personoid that wants to end the game early by successfully eliminating passengers and then having a robots-only oil drinks at the machinery department with C.A.I.N. now let loose.
Drop down bridges and leaps of faith (or trust) are spread all over the place and you should determine who is going to push the buttons around, so that you don’t fall down to your demise as you are nearing the final part.
In the third phase 4 players must manage to reach the control board and turn off the cruise ship’s main computer. If that happens the game is either won, or there has been a Personoid you trusted too much and backstabs you and the ride is over.
Environmental traps that surround you all over the ship.
So, what are the ways to eliminate players? As stated in the Safety Instructional video there are multiple hazards that the vessel offers such as loose wiring that can electrocute a clumsy player, falling chandeliers and drop down bridges, as well as air-lock chambers that could be used to dispose of anyone unfortunate enough to be trapped in them, as they would be thrown out into deep space, which is not that very classy. You are able to pick up many objects to defend or attack others with, and you better be prepared to break a champagne bottle in someone’s head if you deem it necessary to survive or you are certain they are a Personoid, so have in mind that in First Class Trouble, enjoy the beverage cart could have a completely different meaning.
Cooperation is essential if you wish to manage with the crisis and some of the tasks that require completion will need two of the players to perform the objectives in synchronicity, which might give the Personoids a good opportunity to slip the rhythm and waste time on some of the mechanisms so that they can slow down the progress, to avoid that make sure to trust your objective buddy.
In 1st Class Trouble the Oxygen is another necessity and potential problem, as the robots may decide to let some of it out of the ship. Personoids can sabotage the Oxygen system and deplete certain areas of it, while in there you must absolutely keep your breath until you reach a secure position or the leak is shut sealed by you or some of the other players. Oxygen could be added to the global circulation supply by repairing the oxygen generators and inserting canisters into the oxygen stations.
Since the robots are there to sabotage your objective there might be sudden blasts of rampant fires that block your destination off, flooded sections and other unexplained incidents that might occur could prevent you from taking the main road, and alternative detours should be found, but be wary and careful as that could be e deception and another cleverly set trap might await you if you listen to the wrong person. Better stick together and not be alone for long, as there may not be a witness to any incidents and a good strategy is to oversee each other at all times, if possible.
The developers have planned an Escape pod procedure in case you want to scram from the ship and abandon it, but that would cause the mission to fail since you would condemn your teammates to certain doom.
This leads us to our next point of discussion and into the more technical aspects of the title.
Is First Class Trouble crossplay?
Playing with friends could be the best option, although you may sense a feeling of betrayal from someone you know, in case they are in the role of a Personoid. First Class Trouble cross play is available for all platforms it runs on (PS4/PS5/PC), so make sure to fill-up your buddies list with trusted mates that you could count on in time of need.
After the initial Early Access testing out phase of development was finished the game is now public and available as First Class Trouble 1.02 update and Patch 1.1 hit the market quite recently and enjoys a really good response up to now. These introduced Night modes and a variety of bug fixes to make the experience even more pleasurable for the players to enjoy.
The studio behind it is very active with regular monthly updates and they have recently announced the First Class Trouble custom game builder that would allow for some greater chaos to be occurring onboard the space cruise. The various First Class Trouble update packs and news are pouring regularly for various aspects of the game and maintaining the community base toxicity-free as best as possible, since even though the point of the game is to find different ways to bring disruption to the scenario in the game, it is not recommended to act completely out of hand and other players might report you and make ban appeals if you do not play nice. Moderation is important to the studio and fair play is advisable if you want to remain ban-free from the title’s passenger list.
In conclusion to this First Class Trouble review we would definitely suggest to have the title in mind as it is becoming more and more popular in the genre, while it is gaining light-speed attraction from all across the board as one of the top hits in its field of influence. Stay vigilant and make sure to check out the First Class Trouble sale on our website and grab your copy at an attractive First Class Trouble price that would hit you on the head as hard as a champagne bottle would. Thank you for getting to the end of our review, we hope you would join us for the next one as well!