In the far future, humanity is ruled by The Ministry of Accounts, an oppressive bureaucracy that tracks, records and taxes every transaction of daily life. From the depths of Red Tape, a new breed of marketeer arises to challenge the authority and make a profit: the Space Trader is born!
As a Trader, you will attempt to amass a fortune beyond your wildest imagination, buying and selling commodities and taking up arms against the oppressors or even accepting bounty missions, hunting down crime bosses and their thugs.
2017 © Meridian4. All rights reserved.
windows Minimum
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: 1.0 GHz Processor
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: DirectX Compatible 128 MB Video Card
Storage: 300 MB of Available Hard Disk Space
Directx: DirectX 9.0c
Sound card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
windows Recommended
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: 2.0 GHz Dual-Core processor
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX Compatible 256 MB Video Card
Storage: 300 MB of Available Hard Disk Space
Directx: DirectX 9.0c
Sound card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card