The Wait for the Fully Fledged Remake of System Shock Is Over

It has been a very long time since we last faced with Shodan, what’s more it is returning to haunt your PC / PS4 / PS5 / Xbox Series S|X as well as Xbox One this late spring. The System Shock release is set on course for 30.05.23 and it is going to cause mayhem onto any platform you got or choose to install and play it on! So, regardless if you were present back in 1994 when the System Shock original got to your PC, the idea that it is getting a modern-day remake from Nightdive Studio should actually make you feel full of glorious joy and a bit mentally disturbed at the same time.
A fully-fledged remake of such an iconic and genre-defining title that could probably be pointed to as the main inspiration for so many other games that followed after it, including hits such as Deus Ex and the BioShock games on that list! System Shock steam keys would most certainly get a lot of attention from both veterans and newcomers alike, so make sure you follow our website to grab yours as soon as possible.
We decided to delve deeper into this exciting title and present to you could what expect from the System Shock Remake. Are you ready to go on this thrilling adventure around the Citadel Station with us? Prepare for some immense action, glaring violence and disturbing cyber attacks on your mind then!
At its core System Shock was a first-person action-adventure with some serious survival horror elements that has always impressed with an unsettling atmosphere, digital reality bending proportions and multiple innovative and revolutionary approaches from back in the day. Now, there is going to be a more shooter-like feel to it, but keeping true to the original formula as best as possible.
Modern HD Visuals and improved graphics, but still staying true to origins.
One of the leading features for the System Shock Remake that you would be happy to know of is that the game now has HD visuals, 4K support as well as seriously improved graphics and render. It is massively updated on so many levels, but still retains the cyberpunk vibe from the System Shock original that we all loved back in the 90s.
There is realistic lighting, incredibly enhanced character models, much more detailed textures and visual effects. The game has been entirely remade in UE4 and looks stunning with all that retro futuristic design that we are quite fond of.
A familiar story and plotline that we have endured long ago in the past.
When you, a hacker get caught stealing information from the Citadel station in 2072, an implant gets installed in you that induced a coma lasting for a whole of six months. After you awaken from that rather unpleasant experience you very soon find out that most of the crew has been killed of by the A.I. (SHODAN) on board, which has gone rogue and is now operating in full control of the station. Lurking around are those that somewhat survived the murder spree and you are going to get attacked by all kinds of deadly cyborgs, hideous mutants that once were the station’s personnel and management and a vast array of mechanical and even digital enemies.
Someone must stop SHODAN, as the primary mission and target of its powers is the complete destruction of humanity and the planet Earth for that matter. The story unfolds all over the gigantic Citadel Station with its various sections such as the hospital, decks, and operator as well as executive levels, where everything has been taken over under the stern grip of SHODAN. You would have to overcome multiple combats, jumpscares and puzzles in order to reach your objectives.
One thing to point out to here is that there have been slight edits to the maps as some have gotten expanded, while other mazes were deemed unnecessary and erased from the System Shock Remake.
Characters, enemies and the main villainous star of the show.
Praised as one of the best villains in gaming of all time - SHODAN is the almighty and ominous AI that would pose as your main threat and antagonist all throughout the game. Being narcissistic as ever, the control and attitude displayed by this haunting digital presence is found all over the place. The voice is going to definitely sound familiar as the roles is casted to the original voice actress - Terri Brosius as her voice is heavily effected and glitched in numerous ways. The taunts would never seize and mocking you has become her favourite hobby while making it as difficult as possible for you to shut down this evil presence.
Although not many others have survived the relentless attacks of the murderous AI, there is someone that has remained and this is the TriOptimum executive - Edward Diego. He is also responsible for your initial hiring and task to hack into the Citadel Station. Another survivor is Rebecca Lansing a counter-terrorism consultant at TriOptimum that is going to guide you through the station, as she knows the place quite well!
Against you would be the horrific experiments of SHODAN, at least those that survived her sadistic nature, although death could be a better option for them and you would do them good service to rid them of their existence.
Not only do you fight against powerful robots looking to crush you, but there are also the cyborgs who are a disastrous mesh of flesh and mechanical parts and zombies that have been mutated from the original residents of the Citadel Station’s staff and management. At some point you begin to notice that these creatures have all been merged into one terrible combination of parts that SHODAN decided to play around with, coming up with monsters that resemble robotic animals that have been even further mutated. You would probably love to find out the realistic gore and violence as dismemberment is fully displayed on your screen while you are ravaging through the levels.
Weapons, technology and advancements that you could use.
As in the System Shock original., you have a variety of close combat melee weapons and long-range firearms to attack enemies with. Each of them got their purpose as well as respective range and damage characteristics. You can choose to use the lead pipe and crush the skulls of mutants, or pick one of the many pistols and guns that could fit various ammo types, which could be highly-effective depending on what your opponents are susceptible to.
Your arsenal includes grenades that could come in handy in different situations that will occur, some of them can cause EMP shocks and concussions, while others are much more explosive or poisonous.
There are also dermal patches that could boost your stamina, health or overall power, but at a cost of temporarily reduced stats after that or some weird effects while using them. For example the one that enhances your speed does drain your stamina after, or the patch for puzzle solving that flips your arrow controls while in use. There is just one enhancement patch that does not really have a detrimental trick to literally put up your sleeve is the one for health, which only recovers your energy and heals the condition of your injuries
UI, Procedural music, effects and OST.
The in-game experience is greatly enhanced with modernized UI which is much more sleek and intuitive. The controls have been optimized and the overall control is far superior to the one in the original System Shock. What’s more is the advanced technology that has been applied in the sound department, which is now adaptive according to the gameplay pace you are going with.
The music, effects and voicelines would actually react to the decisions, moves and behavior of the player. The original score has been kept in the same style as before, but this time the advanced technological breakthroughs of interactive sound design have also been implemented graciously.
Puzzles and Cyberspace levels and difficulty settings.
As you fight your way though Citadel Station’s levels you would have to overcome some logical puzzles and even Cyberspace routes that you would need to manage with. These could all be set to one of the 3 different difficulty settings (as well as a few other components of the game), which would reflect on their complexity and degree of hardness.
At setting 1 it is all fun and games and you would not get seriously hurt as the game is a bit tame and quirky, but notch up to the third degree of difficulty and the game transforms into a much more demanding and grueling experience with foes around every corner and puzzles that would challenge your skills so much more! The components that are included in the difficulty menu are as follows: Combat / Mission / Cyber / Puzzle and they are all set separately, so you could experience some of them more harshly than others depending on your preference and style of choice.
With all this in a single package there is nothing but thrills and chills down our spines with excitement for this one. Make sure to get your System Shock Steam. key with YUPLAY and enjoy this revamped iconic and classic game with a new, modern approach. We are stoked to arrive at Citadel Station once again and relive the teenage horrors that we dreaded all the way back in the 90s. As SHODAN makes sure to make our journey a nightmarish one, we hope as always that you would share with us your thoughts in the comment sections. Until next time, when we would present other major AAA hits on our blog for you!
GG & HF!